The Three Buckets: Separating Personal Preference from Essential Doctrine

  When it comes to Christianity, there have been various issues that have sparked debate and disagreement throughout history. At Real Life Ministries, we divide these issues into three categories: salvation, unity and peace essentials, and preferences. The first category focuses on the core beliefs necessary for salvation. These are the beliefs that someone must…

The Power of Head, Heart, and Hands: A Leader’s Guide to Utilizing them in Discipleship

What is a Disciple? When it comes to Discipleship – we try to empower our leaders with tools that they can utilize as they are both living out and teaching others along their journey. One of these tools is our powerful Head, Heart, and Hands analogy. Here is where that comes from: At Real Life…

Who are you cover 3

You are a disciple

You are called to be a disciple. Let me start you off with making it clear that if you have truly accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, you are a disciple.  A disciple has not only been drawn to Jesus, they have also accepted the invitation. If God drew you then He has a purpose…