Are You Using These 2 Rules For Conflict Resolution In Your Discipleship Small Group?

What comes to mind when you hear the term Conflict Resolution? Are you someone that runs away from conflict? Or are you the kind that runs head-first towards it? I personally have tended to do the latter – (And by the way, neither of those options is the best choice) You have heard me say…

Are You Using This Teaching Method? 4 Invitations Jesus Gave His Disciples

We often think of teaching as something that is accomplished through words alone, but the truth is, sometimes the best teaching happens through a combination of words and actions. Even in formal education, much of the training includes both classroom  and practicum (lab) sessions. And it turns out that is an excellent way to ensure…

Which Of These 5 Levels Of Intentional Listening Do You Use Most Often?

One of the aspects of relational discipleship is spending time with the person you are discipling outside the formal church or classroom settings. This gives you a chance to discuss things that might not come up in a small group/bible study environment. And quite often these discussions can give you tremendous insight into the spiritual…

The Biggest Indicator Of Spiritual Maturity Might Not Be The Thing You Are Looking For

Do you ever find yourself trying to determine where the people you are discipling are in their Spiritual maturity level?  Often people try to get a sense of someones Spiritual maturity by looking at things like church attendance or Bible knowledge. These outward signs, however, don’t always indicate an inward heart change. Now I am not saying those things don’t play a part – but…