The Power of Head, Heart, and Hands: A Leader’s Guide to Utilizing them in Discipleship

What is a Disciple? When it comes to Discipleship – we try to empower our leaders with tools that they can utilize as they are both living out and teaching others along their journey. One of these tools is our powerful Head, Heart, and Hands analogy. Here is where that comes from: At Real Life…

Impact of Church discipleship in the home

The Impact of Church Discipleship in the Home

How do you measure the impact your Church’s discipleship culture having in the homes of your people? Church leaders usually have ways to discover if the discipleship culture they’re trying to promote is actually happening throughout the church. But how can we know the impact of church discipleship in the home? For instance, how can…


The Disciple’s Journey – with Jim Putman

  I am excited to share with you a new workbook put together by myself and our Real Life Ministries Team.  For many years leaders who have gone through our Real Life Discipleship Manual have asked us if we had something with a similar format that was for everyone, not just leaders. This is that…

Who are you cover 3

You are a disciple

You are called to be a disciple. Let me start you off with making it clear that if you have truly accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, you are a disciple.  A disciple has not only been drawn to Jesus, they have also accepted the invitation. If God drew you then He has a purpose…


The Revolutionary Disciple – Shifting the Paradigm on Discipleship by Jim Putman

  The work of studying Scripture and really looking at what God’s word has to say about discipleship has been the journey of my life. It’s what I care most about – it also leads into everything that Real Life Ministries is as a church, from our programs and leaders to our staff and our…
