3 Key Components Of An Effective Discipleship Small Group

The best vehicle for discipleship is relationship. And a small group is a great environment where relationship can take place. But it can’t be just any small group. Your soccer team getting together may be a small group, but the group is not aiming for the purpose of encouraging discipleship. There are a few intentional…

Which Of These 5 Levels Of Intentional Listening Do You Use Most Often?

One of the aspects of relational discipleship is spending time with the person you are discipling outside the formal church or classroom settings. This gives you a chance to discuss things that might not come up in a small group/bible study environment. And quite often these discussions can give you tremendous insight into the spiritual…

The Biggest Indicator Of Spiritual Maturity Might Not Be The Thing You Are Looking For

Do you ever find yourself trying to determine where the people you are discipling are in their Spiritual maturity level?  Often people try to get a sense of someones Spiritual maturity by looking at things like church attendance or Bible knowledge. These outward signs, however, don’t always indicate an inward heart change. Now I am not saying those things don’t play a part – but…

The Process Of Disciple Making – The Discipleship Wheel (Free Resource!)

Great coaches create winning teams because they have an intentional and reproducible system. Through this process, they not only create winning teams, they create players that become great people that go on to become successful leaders themselves. Jesus was a masterful coach. His apostles knew how to make disciples themselves because of what He had done intentionally and…