Jim Putman is the cofounder and senior pastor of Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, Idaho. Prior to his role as senior pastor, he served as a youth minister in two small churches. In college, Jim won three All American titles in wrestling and went on to become a successful wrestling coach. Real Life was launched in 1998 with a commitment to discipleship and the model of discipleship Jesus practiced, relational discipleship.” Outreach magazine has regularly listed Real Life Ministries among the top one hundred most influential churches in America. Jim is also a cofounder and leader with the Relational Discipleship Network. Jim holds degrees from Boise State University and Boise Bible College. His voice reaches hundreds of thousands across the world through speaking conferences, the web, podcasts, and weekend services. He is the author of five books: Church Is a Team Sport (2008); Real-Life Discipleship (2010); The Power of Together (2016); The Disciple’s Journey (2022); and RelationShift (2023) and the coauthor of four books: Real-Life Discipleship Training Manual (2010) with Avery T. Willis Jr., Brandon Guindon, and Bill Krause; DiscipleShift (2013) with Bobby Harrington and Robert E. Coleman; Hope for the Prodigal (2017) with Bill Putman; and The Revolutionary Disciple (2021) with Chad Harrington. Jim’s passion is discipleship through small groups. With his background in sports and coaching, he believes in the value of strong coaching in discipling. He and his wife, along with their three sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren, live in scenic North Idaho.
You can learn more by visiting his website at jimputman.com and by watching the history of Real Life Ministries at thestoryofreallife.com.
In the book of Genesis, we see that God created the perfect setting for us to be in relationship with him and with each other. His plan included us walking with God, walking with our spouse, doing the job of managing the world, and then creating a community. And God said – I want to…
You are called to be a disciple. Let me start you off with making it clear that if you have truly accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, you are a disciple. A disciple has not only been drawn to Jesus, they have also accepted the invitation. If God drew you then He has a purpose…
The work of studying Scripture and really looking at what God’s word has to say about discipleship has been the journey of my life. It’s what I care most about – it also leads into everything that Real Life Ministries is as a church, from our programs and leaders to our staff and our…
In this world many find it hard to stay committed to each other for the long haul in a marriage. It is even harder to stay committed to a church, where you’re dealing with the personalities of not just one person but many. Many may not be mature at loving others or even have a…
I often share with the church leaders I coach, some of the important shifts I have had to make in my thinking in order to continue to lead and protect the culture we have at Real Life Ministries. One of the things I had to learn the hard way, was that we needed to protect…
Here are some thoughts I shared with my congregation on where I think our mindset should be at all times as disciples of Jesus, but especially when we go in to place our vote in a political election. 1: Christians have a responsibility to vote. 2: What kind of people should we be?…
As a senior pastor of Real Life Ministries and a board member with the Relational Discipleship Network, I am passionate about the importance of a relational environment to making disciples of Jesus. Small Groups are one such relational environment that works well when trying to create a culture of disciple making in your church. Because…
Spiritual maturity should be the goal of every Christian, but we need to be sure we are on the journey ourselves before we attempt to help the body of Christ become more mature. Some people will “check out” of church because they will not get what they had hoped or expected. They will think of…
On part two of this Focus on the Family podcast, Pastor Jim Putman and his dad Pastor Bill Putman, representing three generations of prodigals, candidly discuss the difficult challenges they and their families have experienced, and offer practical advice and encouragement to families with prodigals. You can watch the video of this podcast by clicking…
On part one of this Focus on the Family podcast, Pastor Jim Putman and his dad Pastor Bill Putman, representing three generations of prodigals, candidly discuss the difficult challenges they and their families have experienced, and offer practical advice and encouragement to families with prodigals. You can watch the video of this podcast by clicking…