We often read the gospels to study the person of Jesus, and the teachings of Jesus, but we miss that within the story there is a method and model to follow. As we read, we should be looking at how Jesus SHARED, when Jesus SHARED, and who He SHARED with.
We should look at where He was when He was teaching, on a mountain side, in a synagogue, at the temple, looking over a city. There were certainly crowds around at times, but most often Jesus gave His disciples the time and explanation that others would have missed.
We must remember that Jesus was teaching with His disciples in mind even when a crowd was present. He was modeling a lifestyle (how to deal with people, how to pray, etc.) by actually doing it in front of His disciples. He knew His desired outcome from the beginning and He was working backwards.
We must remember that Jesus was teaching with His disciples in mind even when a crowd was present. He was modeling a lifestyle (how to deal with people, how to pray) by actually doing it in front of His disciples. Share on XHe had a timeline and a process in mind. Jesus wanted them to know the truth, to love God and others well, and to teach them how to fulfill the mission. He was teaching them lessons that had an application in every sphere of their lives.
Jesus was a master coach, an intentional leader, and He knew that real disciple making starts with a simple beginning, then moves on to more complex ideas as the disciples grow in maturity. Jesus didn’t want His disciples to simply have knowledge about something, He wanted them to be able to do something well. Again, He had the end in mind.
He was able to assess where each of his disciples were and how far away they were from where they needed to be. He also knew what kinds of environments and lessons they needed, to be able to move them towards growth and the final destination. As you look at Jesus’ way of doing things you can see that he utilized a reproducible process that was then repeated by the disciples themselves later.
The SCMD Process

SCMD is a resource that puts common language to the reproducible biblical process of disciple-making. It helps disciple-makers be intentional as they lead others through the stages of spiritual growth.
Jesus SHARED who He was via miracles, by being the fulfillment of prophecy, by His powerful teaching, and by His sinless life.
- God revealed (SHARED) who Jesus was via John the Baptist and by the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus at His baptism. God spoke directly to those present and declared that Jesus was His Son in whom He was well pleased.
- As Jesus SHARED His life with His disciples He shared more and more of Himself and His teachings.
- Most people do not realize that Jesus spent a lot of time with those who would become His disciples before He invited them to become disciples. Example: John 1:36-39.
Jesus then invited those who believed to CONNECT with Him in relationship.
- In this connection He revealed who He was, and what the truth was from His perspective, in increasing measure.He modeled for them what love looks like.
- He showed them how to live out being fishers of men by showing them what to do, and when.
Jesus then began to train His disciples for MINISTRY.
- At first Jesus had them do simple things like pass out the food when He fed the 5000.
- As time went on their tasks changed — He sent them out by twos to peach all over Israel.
- They would be casting out demons and healing the sick.
- When they returned, He then debriefed with them.
Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two
and gave them authority over impure spirits. Mark 6:7
Finally Jesus went to be with the Father and sent them the Holy Spirit and sent them to make DISCIPLES.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven
and on Earth has been given to me.
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 – 18
In Acts 2 we see that Jesus’ Disciples repeated the process they had learned.
We can know that we are all called to be and make disciples. We can see that Jesus gave us a model to follow and a process that is reproducible by anyone. This journey takes time and intentionality, as well as commitment on the part of the disciple and the disciple maker. A disciple is able to disciple someone to the same level of maturity they themself have reached. All of us are able to share what Jesus has done for us with someone else. Pray this week for God to show you someone you can begin to disciple by sharing your life.
This article was taken from The Disciple’s Journey – A guide to developing and living out a Biblical Worldview in every Sphere of Life – by Jim Putman
This workbook is now available on Amazon in paperback or kindle format! For more information and to check out the free resources that go with it go to http://thedisciplesjourney.org/